Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice Fire and Ice

In honor of the winter solstice today, I thought it fitting to write something about the shortest day of the year. I am fascinated by the sun setting low against a frigid, icy atmosphere, and the winter light unique only to this time of year. While it may be the shortest, darkest day, the sky can be brilliant with color.

The painting posted below reflects my attraction to the winter sky. I was especially interested in the contrast of the warmth of the sun against the wintry sky. I love the idea that even on the darkest, coldest day of the year there is a sense of hope and beauty from the setting sun, emitting vibrant, strong colors. It gives me peace.

Winter Solstice Fire and Ice, 2007. Gouache and soft pastel on watercolor paper. 35 x 43.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Both Sides Now

I recently came across these photos that my brother had taken from a flight somewhere over Asia. I love the idea of being immersed between layers of atmosphere. This type of experience fascinates me. The photos will serve as an inspiration point for the painting I started last week. I began the painting with the idea that I would create the sense of flying between levels of atmosphere, when I remembered these photos that where taken last year. Given my artistic captivation with otherworldly atmospheric places, I think these photos offer a nice example of such. Although I don’t normally work from photos, I do love the dreamlike aspect of these skies, and I hope to create the same sentiment in my newest painting.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A New Direction

My latest painting continues with my recent theme of airplane skies. For me, this is a new direction in my work. I strive to create the sense of otherworldliness and the surreal. The jury is still out on whether I will continue with this new theme. All I can do is to paint what I feel, and currently I crave open, peaceful, and dreamlike spaces found in airplane skies. I desire to create these places. I really can’t explain the reason why. I am fascinated with them at the moment. I want to communicate what I feel through my work; things I can’t put into words.

Airplane skies captivate me for their quiet and tranquility. I am removed from problems and trivial matters when I am gazing out the window at 35,000 ft.

I feel as though I have entered a dream world cruising above the earth. There’s an unusual sense of peace in the high levels of atmosphere. That’s where I want to be.

Celestial Maypole, 2009. Oil and oilbar on canvas, 66 x 72.